Tiger Woods finished and gave his statement which lasted for 13 minutes. In his statement Tiger Woods described his behaviour as irresponsible and selfish.Tiger Woods told that he was unfaithful,he also told that he had affair with several mistress.Tiger Woods told that really he cheated his wife.Tiger Woods told that he is very sorry that he disappointed all his fans.Tiger Woods told that he thought that he can undergo through any rule and wouldnot be caught. Tiger Woods told that to wife Elin he will not apolozige but He will prove by his behaviour.Tiger Woods appeal all his fans to believe in him again.Tiger Woods told that he is going to do further treatment and therapy.Tiger Woods told that he would adopt the Buddhist route.
To the media he says to leave his wife and children,Tiger Woods denied to consume enhanced drugs.He said that Elin never hit him.Tiger Woods apolozised for the deeds to the people who are attached to the foundation.After his brief statement Tiger Woods hugged his mom and other personals present in the media statement.Tiger Woods longtime friend Bryon Bell and PGA tour friend Tim Finchem was present there.
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